Same Sex Marriage Green Card FAQ’s

Bringing Your Same Sex Spouse to Live in the United States as Permanent Resident. Common concerns gay and lesbian couples may have with green card applications 1- FIRST AND FOR MOST, IS IT POSSIBLE TO OBTAIN A GREEN CARD THROUGH A SAME SEX MARRIAGE?  YES! Lesbian and gay married couples can in fact apply for […]

Visas Juveniles, Que Es y Como La Puedes Obtener

VISA JUVENIL (SIJ) –Estatus Especial Para Jóvenes Inmigrantes El Programa de Inmigración Para Menores Maltratados QUE ES LA VISA JUVENIL? Es una visa especial para los menores de edad que han sufrido abuso o abandono por uno o ambos padres. Si la corte determina que usted es un SIJ, usted tiene la posibilidad de obtener […]

Abogado de inmigracion Gabriel Mondino

Attorney Spotlight: Gabriel Mondino

This month we had the opportunity to speak with Gabriel Mondino, our Immigration Attorney at Burgos & Associates.  A graduate from Pace University, Gabriel has been a valued associate of the Burgos Law firm team since 2009 and recently he was named a Super Lawyer Rising star for his excellence in the area of business […]